Monday, December 21, 2009

Mommy's Boo-Boo

What do you get when you try to be sneaky and move things around in the garage? Well, not an ER visit and not even a tetanus shot, but it sure hurts! This is hush hush. I purchased a large item from a sports store but wasn't able to bring it home because the box required an open bed truck or a trailer. So, our good friend James took time out of his saturday and picked up our trailer and drove to get the item and then brought it home. Thank goodness Alex had to work all day so I didn't have to lie and get him out of the house.
I decided to move some things around in the garage and when I moved this jack looking thing, it came crashed down on my thumb and blood started gushing. I'll let you know that as I was moving items I was thinking "I hope I don't hurt myself because then I'd have to have an excuse for Alex". Well, I went upstairs to clean it off and debated going to the dr's office for a tetanus shot. well, it wasn't worth of a doctor's visit, just some neosporin, tylenol and band-aids. When Alex asked what happened, I said I was moving stuff in the garage and then he didn't ask any more. So, the ITEM is still downstairs, hidden and I don't think he suspects anything. So, don't mention anything if you happen to see him, but can ask him after Friday morning.
P.s. I'm okay although it still really hurts


youthguy72 said...

Wow - look how swollen your fingers, are, too... Or are they normally that fat?



Tiff said...

Ha, Ha..very funny