Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Words for James

James has had 2 speech therapy sessions and he does really well. Shelly, the speech therapist, is very enthusiastic and keeps his attention. He like Mr. Potato Head and the trains that she brings. She asks him questions like "Point to the boy who's running" and he can do that. He tries to say what she says, and it's pretty cute. But every now and then James will just come out and say a word that sounds really close to the real word. Here are some examples,

"May-Man" = Mailman (not sure why he chose to say this word)
"Beesh" = Beach

So, we're just waiting and encouraging!!

Self Serve Pudding

I think every child goes through this stage with some sort of pudding, jello, etc. They manage to get some in their mouths but most on their face. But they're happy and quiet and sometimes, it's just worth it! Ryan got his opportunity the other day and BOY!! was he thrilled!! James wasn't so sure about sharing his pudding. Actually, James does like to share his food, but only when he gets to serve it :) So, we think his spiritual gift will be serving.


So, it was dinnertime. And that means that both little boys are either yelling or crying. Ryan usually wants to held and James wants more snacks. We invited a friend over for dinner, so I was preparing an extra-special dinner (shrimp) and we were ALL in the kitchen waiting for Alex to get home. I usually do as much preparing for dinner as I can and when Alex gets home I pass the kids over. But tonight, he got home a little later than was expected. So, amidst my dirty kitchen because Ryan and James had taken out all the pots, pans, tupperware, etc, Alex walks in. I notice right away he's carrying a cooler. Sort of an odd picture because he doesn't ever bring a cooler into the kitchen.

He sets it down right in the center of the kitchen and I now begin to wonder what's in it????? Whatever it is, it does not fit into my kitchen where dinner is now cooked.

He says "James, look what I got!". He then reveals a cooler full of tadpoles!! Must have been 30 or 40 in yucky pond water.

My thoughts "Great! Now what? Frogs jumping into my shrimp and then all over my kitchen?"

Alex then asks "Where's your trifle bowl?" I give him a look that suggests I don't approve of what he's thinking, I ask "Why?"

"So, I can put the tadpoles in it"

So, I'm going to have a trifle bowl with yucky pond water and a bunch of tadpoles swimming around in my kitchen. All for the sake of "science".

Anyways, I did buy a little tank and they now reside in my kitchen, but in a covered tank. They're growing little legs and we're excited to see what kind of frogs they will be. Then we'll let them go.

Oh, Alex found them in a little puddle outside our new house. So, free tadpoles!!