Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No sinus surgery!

Yea, I don't need sinus surgery. The ENT was not concerned about the sinus polyps. He recommended a daily dose of antihistamine and decongestants. However, should those not work, a surgery to fix my deviated septum would be recommended. So, that's good news!! Although going to the ENT to have his stick long needles up your nose to look around isn't so fun, even when your nose is lidocained. It's still uncomfortable.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What a Poopy Morning.

Sometimes I wake the boys up to "OH what a beautiful morning! Oh What a Beautiful day!" This morning though, I went in to get Ryan up. Sometimes he poops in the morning but it's usually in his diaper. This morning though, it was a little more pungent and a little more all over the place. He managed to get his diaper off and then poop all in his crib. So, he had poop in his ear, eyes, face, body, EVERYTHING!!

So, how was your morning?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Sometimes I take a break from blogging because nothing interesting happens. Just the same old stuff. But it's been a while so I figured it is time to update our life.

The Kiawah house that Alex built is beautiful and is showing really well. We're praying we'll have a buyer soon. Alex is also helping our church do some demolition and rebuilding. It's a historical building that needs some serious repair. So, Alex has been very instrumental in helping to get it all done at a low cost. Fiddler Island is coming along. The addition in the back is almost completely framed. We have some flooring issues that will add on a little more time till completion.

James is doing well. He's learning he does not like to be disciplined and sometimes fights us on it. But we're sticking with it. James got evaluated by a government program called BabyNet. It's a government funding program that evaluates children under 3, for free, for any type of delays. We had James get evaluated for his speech. He qualifies and we are now waiting to get a call from the speech therapist to do her evaluation. All this is free so we figured, Why not?!

Ryan is walking. He's still quite fearless. He has teeth breaking through but they are taking forever to work their way down. So, I'm running out of food for him...

Me, I've been battling sinus problems and allergies. What I'm allergic to, I don't know. But I've been seeing an allergist and have taken many, many types of medication. I got a CT scan done and it turns out I have a big sinus polyp. So, I get to see an ENT next week for a consultation.

So, that's our life in a nutshell!

That poor bug!!

Ryan...my fearless child. I already have visions of what Ryan will be like when he gets older. Some are funny, some are scary. At one point I looked over at Ryan because he was being very quiet. He had managed to find a little green katydid grasshopper thing. Without hesitating and with James saying "UG", "UG" (that's "bug), Ryan picked up the grasshopper, looked at it and pulled a leg off. Then another leg. Then somehow, the body was separated from the head. If you look closely at the picture on the right, there's a little green bug body on the ground near his right hand. The picture on the left shows the rest of the beg in the left hand.


James and Camping

We got to go camping last weekend at Pisgah National Forest in NC. It was great weather and the boys did well. James had a great time playing in dirt, sand and the cooler. Ryan enjoyed running towards the fire, eating dirt, playing with sticks and everything else! We went with our friend James and Hillary and their little boy Brooks.

At one point during the weekend, I went in the tent to get Ryan up from his nap. I noticed that there was a diaper on the floor and I didn't remember leaving one there. After looking at Ryan, I noticed he wasn't wearing his diaper. So, somehow he managed to get it off and then throw it on the floor. Early potty training????

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Music Man

I always knew my children would be exceptional. And it is proven! I have a very talent, musical son. In addition to this instrument, he also plays the recorder. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ryan is Finally Walking

Well, we knew it would happen, but Ryan finally got the nerve to take his first series of steps last week. Since then, he walks a lot and tries to run. He really enjoys throwing himself on others, pillows and even the floor. James deals with that most of the time. The other times aren't so great.

Friday, July 4, 2008

James and Ryan playing

These boys are gonna be a handful once they figure out how to gang up..

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Future Basketball Player

Cute pic of Ryan

This is what Ryan does. He climbs into things, under things, over things. He climbed into an old clothes box under the foyer table and started throwing clothes around and picking at the boxes. He's so messy!

Kiawah Update

Well, Alex did a great job getting his spec house ready for an open house yesterday. It is 99% complete and looks great! Although the lady who was staging the house didn't do a good job and cried when Alex told her (you know how tough Alex can be :) ), the visitors really liked the house. I meant to take pictures, but forgot. But I just wanted you all to know how proud I am of him!! Pictures will come soon.