Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Time

Yes, it's the 31st and Halloween. We live in a Jewish neighborhood so we don't get too many trick or treaters. Half the candy we buy is not kosher so..... Also, I really don't like giving out candy. I don't mind buying the candy, but I feel awkward when different characters stop by my house and ask for candy. If they all came in for a party, it would be completely different, but they don't. They just knock, say trick or treat, stuff their bags and leave. This Halloween, we dressed up James in a Monkey costume, found at Target, and headed over to our neighbors house who let us in. Their 2 adolescent girls love James, so them, with all their friends hoisted James up the stairs to play with him. When we were leaving 2 girls walked in, one in a "school girl" outfit and the other in a Superwoman outfit, that was much lower cut than the real Superwoman would wear. If the real Superwoman wore it, she would fall out of while while spinning. I am writing while Alex is telling all the girls at the door to "take what you want". We always buy too much candy and never eat it. James now likes the Smarties, so those will be gone soon.

We went to the Carolina Coastal fair last night with our friends, James and Hillary. We ate fair food and watched the rednecks. Quite fun. James did well. Was quite mesmerized by all the lights. We pet the bunnies and fed the goats, of which one nibbled James' hand. Alex threw a dart and popped some balloons, so I got a yellow teddy bear. It was a beautiful night and fun to walk around. I must say that the appeal of carnival rides are lost on me. Maybe it's my sense of adventure that has diminished after having 2 kids. The thought of "What would happen to the boys if something happened to me" lingers in my mind when it comes to "dangerous" things.

Anyways, I'm off to enjoy the evening with Alex since both boys are in bed. Maybe we can watch a TV show between the trick or treaters.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Alex's Birthday Bash

And it was a bash alright. We had a lovely dinner and a great cake and somehow I managed to get it all done. The day started off well with Alex staying home for breakfast, which he cooked. Then early afternoon, my poor little son, Ryan, still constipated, started a fit. No doubt because his poor little bottom hurt so bad. So, Grandma Betsy took James with her so I could take Ryan to the doctor.

The plan was to start my pork at 4:30 and I was sure I wouldn't be back in time to start dinner. But I figured we could always do Chinese delivery. Well, amazingly, I got back in time to do the pork. And our friend, James Gardner came over a bit early to help with the cooking, so it turned out real well. We had pork loin, dumplings, gravy (a James Gardner specialty), asparagus w/ hollandaise sauce and Caesar salad. Ryan stayed asleep for all of the cooking, which was really nice.

Then once the family got here, Ryan woke up screaming because he hurt so bad. That continued on and off for about 2.5 hours. He didn't want to eat too much nor did he want to have anyone else but me hold him. I did manage to eat my food and watch Alex open his presents. But during this, James has a stinky diaper too, which gave him a sore bottom, so he started screaming. So, with 2 kids screaming, the cake was good and presents were excellent, Alex successfully turned 31.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dr. Mom

Being a 2nd time mom, you'd think I'd know some special tricks for health issues. But I don't. James never had any medical issues that I only visited the doctor for his vaccination shots. However, Ryan has had many more dr visits. Nothing major, but worrysome things like jaundice, red belly button and most recently constipation. Starting yesterday Ryan would try to go to the bathroom and end up screaming with tears. Today, it got bad enough that I took him in the doctor and was told, "Yep, it's constipation". However, poor little Ryan was straining so hard he looked worse than I did when I was in labor. The good news is, he is taking some corn syrup to loosen things up and should be much better. He is also extremely tired, I'm assuming from all the pushing. He also gets a red belly button from pushing too hard, as I found out from the doctor.

Anyways, I don't visit the doctors / emergency room anyway close to my sister, Jamey. She seems to end up there every other week with one of the kids. I have yet to have an all-nighter with a sick child.

I also never get the flu shot. I figure, if everyone else does, I'm safe. I did post a picture of Ryan when he is feeling good.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bad Recipes, New Furniture

Well, after spending a long time on a new pot roast recipe, I was greatly disappointed with the outcome. The meat was okay, though a little dry. The vegetables, horrible. I know it's bad when Alex won't eat it. I also tried a new recipe for a cannoli cake which turned out okay despite me mixing up the directions. But I have found some incredible recipes, all from Cooks Country, that have gone in my personal recipe file. These include meatloaf, macaroni skillet and hamburgers. So, if you're looking for a great recipe / cooking magazine, I give 2 thumbs up to Cooks Country.

On another note, Alex and I have been looking for a little bench to go in our foyer. We were hoping for one with storage underneath. Both Alex and I have problems keeping counter / tabletop space neat. So, baskets work for us. We just found one at a decent price at World Market and purchased it on Saturday. Yesterday, James decided to bang a big paintbrush on it while Ryan was being fed. After numerous attempts at "james, stop it" he finally stopped. I didn't notice till later, the little white dings in the wood. So, I guess it gives it personality and we can't return it. But that's kids, right? Buying something new and then having something major happen. Sometimes when we try to hard, things don't always work out. However, it's only a piece of furniture and now, one with character.

Friday, October 19, 2007

I don't do Diaries...

Yet here I am setting up my own blog and sitting here wondering what to write about. I just spent the past 2 hours or so putting together a pot roast and a cake, both new recipes. I got Ryan down to sleep and miraculously he's still sleeping. James helped me in the kitchen by eating the mini chocolate morsels and spilling water all over the place. So, after a new diaper and taking off his sopping wet clothes, he's putting his matchbox cars and animals in a basket. I assume he'll then pick up the basket and toss out the toys or chase our dog and cat around the house with it while screaming at the top of his lungs.

I'm currently trying to get rid of some nasty nasal congestion and I don't feel the affects of the antibiotics yet. Except, for being extra tired. Being tired is a part of mommy-ing, but feeling yucky makes the tiredness much worse. But babies need to fed, changed and entertained none the less. So, I wonder what parenting would be like if there wasn't sin in the world. That's my thought for the day or week. Would kids still be kids or would they always obey and listen and sleep and eat, etc??? Would parents just be more tolerant or would we know exactly what to do at all times? Would babies sleep through the night? Would parents get enough sleep?? But given that babies are born every day, parenting must not be too terrible, is it. I find that the little things, like a smile from Ryan at 4:30 am or James cuddling with me before naptime, makes the tiredness and frustration all worth it.