Monday, June 22, 2009

Ryan turned 2

Ryan turned 2 yesterday. However, it was Father's Day so we decided to have a party for him on the 20th and invite a few friends. We had about 20 attendees total. We filled a little baby pool with water and had a little slide and lots of matchbox cars. All of Ryan's peers at the moment are little men, so it makes it easy to decide what toys to have.
Alex made this beautiful cake, which Ashley decided to take a bite out of. Yes, Daddy was not happy. But he improvised and it turned out fine.
Ryan received a bunch of great gifts and he was thankful for them all. The balloon, however, seemed to get his attention first. He wouldn't put it down, even for cake. And he is still carrying it around the house today.
Thanks to all who celebrated it with us!!

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