Wednesday, May 5, 2010


After Olivia's Birthday Bash, this is what I saw outside. It wasn't even an intense storm. Just some clouds and rain, but it was so beautiful! I usually only see rainbows in part and not very clear. This one was so clear I could see the entire semi circle, all the colors and I was expecting skittles to start pouring down on me. But it was so breathtaking that I had to thank God for all the blessings in my life.


Snowbrush said...

What a beautiful rainbow. It looks as if you could go right to the end and dig up that pot of gold.

The Aspiring Guitarist said...

The way you were able to catch the rainbow in the picture an with such clarity!
Hats off to you!
Well Done!

Life is nice:) said...

Yes, it is:)