Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Say Anything

Remember in Say Anything, when John Cusack stands outside his lady's window and puts his stereo over his head and plays her some music? Yes, the classic scene. Well, this little video reminded me of that. Except Ryan wasn't as excited to share, despite my constant nagging to put the music down for the baby. It's a bit long, but interesting to watch Olivia so intent on the music.


The Cooper Family said...

I love how often your kids are just in diapers... if I leave William in plain diapers, he spends all his time with his hands inside (usually pulling out poopy hands!). Can't believe how big Olivia is getting!

Tiff said...

Honestly, I do try to clothe them, especially Olivia. But Ryan is actually in his birthday suit in this video so thank goodness the piano is covering the right spots. And James is constantly stripping off his clothes once he gets inside. One day, my children will keep their clothes on.

Yes, Olivia is getting big and is a fun child. Hope you're doing well!