Thursday, June 16, 2011


I haven't been posting but I have been thinking.  I've been concentrating on cleaning up my house (, focusing more on respecting my husband (Love & respect) and reading through Grudem's Systematic Theology (1/2 off at the local christian bookstore). 

House Cleaning: No, it doesn't come natural. My theory, you either get the cleaning or cooking gene, I got cooking.  Can I get an AMEN!!  Okay, so this Flylady Kelly lady tells you certain things to do on certain days. This might come natural to some but not to me! I want a clean house, I just don't know how to do it.  So, I've been motivated to go minimal with our stuff and hoping to make some big improvement this summer.

Respect:  Turns out, I need to work on showing my respect for my husband. Need I say more? I'm looking forward to listening to Love & Respect. 

Systematic Theology: After going to a Holy Ghost sunday school I got inspired to get this book. AND it happened to be half off....I'll be posting more as I read more...

That's what's been going on.

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