Friday, November 5, 2010

Trying to be strong

James and haircuts...not fun.  He did alright the first few times, but since then, well, Remember the scene from Steel Magnolias where Julia Roberts has a diabetic fit while getting her hair done. Yep, that's about right.  So, we tried to buzz it at home, but it was so frustrating that we decided it was worth paying for someone else to deal with it. 

Nothing worked to keep him calm, not even bribes.  So, it was time for a school picture haircut. It was getting really crazy around his neck and ears, so off we went.  We went as a family this time because Ryan needed a cut also. Alex told James that if he didn't cry or scream he could pick something out from Target...

So, he sat in the chair and they started cutting.  I looked at his face and almost starting crying because he was physically trying to not scream.  He was trying so hard that I just wanted to hug him and tell him that it was okay and he could scream.  He made it through and he picked out some cotton candy from the dollar bin. WHEW! I thought it was really gonna cost us.

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