So, we're in the process of moving Ryan into the 2nd twin bed in James' room. We are doing this so the baby can get set up in the 'nursery' room, which is currently Ryan's room. I found some bed rails at our local consignment shop that we set up immediately.
This has been very exciting for the boys, both boys. The first night, Ryan kept leaning over the rails and yelling "James, James". So, he eventually ended back up in his crib. The next night was better, but little sleeping boys didn't happen till 9 pm. But when they woke up at 6:30 together, it was great. They both walked down together with their blankets, big smiles on their faces.
Naptime together has not been successful. Ryan just can't seem to understand that at naptime, you have to stay in your bed. He refuses to stay in bed. So, he is taking naps in his own room, for the time being.
Here's the schedule for bedtime: Alex takes the boys up with their supplies (binkies - we haven't started the no binky stage yet, blankets and juice - this one will end soon). They each get into their beds with book and/or toys. They're allowed to play and talk for a bit till Alex comes back. They have to stay in bed though. Then, the toys go away and they go to sleep. The sleeping part for Ryan is the hardest. But by 9, he usually conks out.
Well, last night was a bit harder than usual. But Ryan finally settled down. When we went in to check on them before we went to bed, Ryan wasn't in his bed. So, after my initial panic, of where did he go? I saw him. Lying on the floor. Wedged between the closet door and a pull out cushion. He was holding the magnetic pen of the magna-doodle in his hand.
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