Monday, July 13, 2009

It's 1 pm...

And it feels like 6 pm. I'm ready to open that bottle of red wine that's looking at me. Nothing major happened, just a meltdown at RiteAid by a 3 year old and an incessant crying before bedtime of a 2 year old. (Both might have colds or be getting them). So, the baby's asleep, but she periodicially cries out. No noise is coming from the boys' rooms, so hopefully they're asleep. I'll go check. Anyways,

My mind is bogged down with potty training, couponing, cleaning, disciplining and overall, life. But, this is a season of life and will soon pass. I enjoy the little things of life, including Ryan learning to talk, James becoming more articulate, Olivia smiling at me (and the fans). Alex, going crabbing to bring me some crabs. Yes, I'm super excited about that. You can have 2 crab pots without a crab license. He got a little john boat from a friend of his that fits perfectly in the creek.

I'm excited about getting a haircut tomorrow. Alex is landscape shopping at a going out of business store and apparently can landscape our yard for really cheap. So, I'm going to reheat my cup of coffee for the 3rd time and try to re-set my dial.

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