Thursday, February 14, 2008

Little Things

I am inspired to write this email from my friend Julia, who wrote a bunch of things she was thankful for on her blog:

Things I am thankful for -
1. Little boys
2. Little laughing boys
3. Poopy diapers (because that means he's not constipated)
4. Wipes - to get those diapers after one has eaten a bunch of cheese
5. Disney movies and DVD players - to keep the little ones content
6. Grandmas - to watch the children so I could do a few errands by myself
7. Husbands - who write me love letters
8. Sisters - for supporting me and sharing in my joys
9. For mothers - for always being there
10. For dads - for just being dads
11. For friends - for providing frienship, fun and support
12. For house cleaners and babysitter - Need I say more?!
13. For cats who run over keyboards and pop off the letter keys - because it makes us remember that "This too shall pass"

I am very thankful this Valentine's day for all these things and more. But typing on a keyboard with missing keys is very difficult, so this will end. Happy Valentine's Day!


youthguy72 said...


Unknown said...

genie.boyd@comcast.netAnd this grandma and mom is thankful for little boys who are growing up and their parents who are taking such good care of them. Happy Valentines Day!

Julia Williams said...

Yay!!! I made the blog!!! Hope you had a great weekend & a fantastic Valentine's Day.