It has been brought to my attention that I neglected to add brothers to my thankful list. It was not intentional, so here is my ode to brothers -
I am thankful for brothers, even though they're bossy. I am thankful for them because they are there when you need them, and sometimes more. I don't get to see my brothers often, but when I do, we have a great time. I'm thankful for my brother Scott because he brought Ela into our family and also 3 great little kids. I am also thankful that he didn't sue me when I backed into his Thunderbird. I'm thankful for Jimmy for naming his kitten after our dearly past Tigger and also for not knowing his cat was roaming the neighborhood getting pregnant and when she had her baby, Jimmy kept her or him.
So, there you have it. I am thankful for brothers.
1 comment:
I still might sue you for the Thunderbird... I'm waiting to see how much I could get out of you and Alex...
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