Or cool stories to tell. It's hard to remember all that happens during the day as well as make time to write about it. I do pretty well at recounting a few stories to Alex in the evening, after my glass of wine. But this story is about God's plan.
You see, Alex and I both have a desire to give. Sometimes we give and it makes people uncomfortable. Sometimes we're not able to give because, well, sometimes that's just how it is. I do find it quite healthy and freeing to give away clothes, toys, kitchen appliances, etc.
So last week, Alex told me about this guy who was working for him. He has 2 little boys, 2 and 11 months and his girlfriend. They were evicted 2 weekends ago, had their car impounded and are living in a very much less than desirable hotel room; where even the landlord told Danielle and Andy to stay inside all day. So, as a mother of young children, I couldn't even bear to think of what it would be like to be cooped up in a hotel room with 2 young ones and not even be able to spend time outside. Actually, I can understand and I know it would drive me CRAZY!
A day after that, Alex calls me from work and asks if we should offer them our guest room. At least they wouldn't have to stay inside all day and then Alex could take Andy to work. They agreed and they arrived late Wednesday night.
You know that feeling when something is just right? Well, we have it. So, Danielle helps out around the house, watches the kids if I need to run out and is very happy to be out of that hotel. I am happy to have some other little kids to distract my kids and have an adult to talk to. Alex was happy to have someone help him clean up our backyard.
So today, I was putting some stuff together for Danielle, out of my vast supply of coupon deals and started filling up one of my 31 cosmetic bags for her. This particular bag, I had bought back from a customer ( a year ago) because she didn't like the color of the monogramming on it. So, I look down and see that the monogramming is DC. Her name is Danielle Crabtree. I couldn't believe it so when I gave her the bag, I couldn't help but say that there is a reason God has them here. She says that she knows, she prayed to get out of that hotel.
All of this to say that God does have a plan and he sometimes gives us very concrete, visible signs. What's next for our friends? I don't know. They paid to get their car out of impound, and now it doesn't work. So, they're looking for a car so at least, Andy can drive to work. Alex has enough work for a few weeks for him but we don't know about after that. Then they'll consider moving back to where Danielle will be closer to family and can get some help. I think they'd like to come back to Charleston eventually, once they can get a cushion to fall back on.
So, I'm continuing to pray for their sweet family and sweet little boys. I'm so glad God brought them here and I hope that they will see what God has planned for them too.
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