I hope that's how you spell that word. No, I don't blog much because I'm finding it really difficult to think in straight lines anymore. My blogs sort of end up being random run-on's and partial thoughts. But this one has a central theme.
Ryan's 2nd ER visit. Remember the first one where he was 'stung' by a pussmoth? Well, Ryan was playing in the living room when he got that look in his eye and ran to bathroom shouting " I have to pee!". That was followed by a very loud thwump which I thought was the sink or the toilet. I ran into the bathroom after I heard the very loud painful cry to find my sweet little boy holding a very bloody lip. While still screaming, we managed to look at the lip and the huge chunk that was bit by his very sharp teeth. It looked really deep and had a sideways hook design. We were concerned that it was really deep and it did cross down into the chin area.
So, the pediatrician recommended the ER so we rushed him off again. We have a friend who is in plastics so we asked him to stop by to check it out. The options:
1. take him home, put on neosporin and keep him from bonking his mouth. There would be a little scar but nothing too bad.
2. Wait till 11 to get sedated (while eating no food), put in 1 stitch and still have a scar.
Our decision was easy; we opted for neosporin which was free cuz they gave us samples.
We had a great experience there and I even saw one of our nurses today at the fabric store. We chatted for a bit and I feel like going back to have some coffee with the girls.
Picture is on facebook.
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1 hour ago
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