Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm going to risk stepping on some toes

So, I've been attending Baptist churches here in SC and I attend a very large church.  One of the common phrases that is floating around is "Take it to the cross".  I get the meaning and intention here, we should always be reminding ourselves of the great love and sacrifice of Christ.  However, I feel that this is a bit short-sighted.  The cross would have lost its significance had that been the last moment.  However, Christ was raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand of God. We have been given access to the Throne of God and can stand before God with no condemnation.  How about "Take it to the Throne".  Take it all the way!!!  I want to be awed by God! I desire to see the face of God!

1 comment:

I'm N. said...

Found this blog kinda randomly.. I really, really love the passion you write with here...it made me happy:)