Almost 5 years ago, we were welcoming our first child into this world. What an easy, pain free labor & delivery. It's been a fairly easy ride with this child. Although he does have a strong independant side, he's pretty laid back. So, imagine my shock when I found out that James would be going to school 5 days a week, all day AND ride the bus! I might have teared up when I was told that. How could my sweet baby get on a big ol' bus and see his teachers more than he sees me? I seriously considered homeschooling. But nothing like the last month of summer to change my mind about that.
So, all decked out in his 'uniform', new shoes and backpack, he set off for school. The bus isn't ready to pick up the kids yet, so we still get to take him and pick him up.
When I asked him if he missed me, he said "No."
So, no crying for James, just some tearing up for mom.
After his first day, I asked him what he did that day.
He said " I took a nap, had peanut butter and Jelly" ( I knew about the PB &J because I made it for him)
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