So, Gardening has always been a desire of mine, but I've never been successful at it. Maybe that's why my husband didn't want to till up some land and make me a garden. He told me I had to grow it in pots. So, I said, Okay. The issue is placement. Our yard does not have the best backyard for a garden. Very shady and no grass and floods during rainstorms. The best sunny spots happen to be right next to our driveway, where some shrubs are. So for my birthday, Alex dug up some shrubs in an attempt to get a garden going. That was a month ago and the project has fallen by the wayside for now. However, I keep helping him remember despit the many and more important other things has to attend to that a garden would be super great.
These are my picking cucumbers. I can see 1 sprouting but it's really small. The roots are in a pot but as you can see, it's spreading out quite nicely.
This is my oregano, basil and chives. The basil's been finicky this year even though they get plenty of water. I have another pot of thyme and mint, parsley and even cilantro. I think I'll have to pick some and dry it because it's growing so rapidly.
nice to see your green thumb showing. it's fun to watch it all grow as long as one doesn't have to do the work in the heat of the day. enjoy.
Thanks Mom. I"m enjoying just having to water the plants and not weed. But when i get the bigger garden, I might have to get a little sweaty.
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