As you readers know, Alex and I have read through the
The Twilight Saga Collection
series and have become official aficionados (sp?) on that. We didn't start off that way, but we've gradually grown towards it. We were never huge Harry Potter fans or any other series for that matter. Here's how it started: I needed a book to read! So my mother in law gave me a mindless read,
. I really enjoyed it and then I rented the movie for me and Alex to watch. And although were weren't terribly impressed with the movie, Alex was willing to see the 2nd movie, New Moon. Since then, my dear husband has read and reread the entire series and we have intelligent conversations about it. Team Edward vs. Team Jacob. Character development, were the right actors picked for the roles in the movie? You know, stuff like that.
Our impressions:
*I'm not 100% committed to the actors who portray Bella, Edward and Jacob
*The Volturi were cast well
*If the producers continue to have Bella's character grow as it does in the books, the actor could be great.
*We feel like the relationship between Bella and Edward in the movie was not developed as well as the book. A lot was left out.
Yes, I do see the humor in this series.
*Vampires who only kill animals are good vampires - their souls may not be damned to hell
*Humans can find really pale people with orange eyes very attractive, even though they're freezing cold
*It is better to be a vampire than to die as a human
In light of that, Alex and I really enjoyed reading all four books. We did go see New Moon in the theaters and thought it was better than the first movie. We are really excited to see the 3rd and 4th movie because the books were so good.
New Moon
came out on DVD last week and yes, I bought i for my dear husband. That might be the first DVD I've purchased since we got married.....
Not a fan myself, but I think you mean aficionado...
Haha, you all crack me up with this movie/book saga. I love reading all the posts about it.
Your blog is PRECIOUS.
I was randomly clicking the next blog button and your blog came up. Your take on life is funny :) I enjoy it. This entry made me laugh because I'm a seventeen year old knee deep in peers obsessed with all things Twilight. I just wanted to say thank you for the giggles :)
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