Do you remember going to the school fall festivals and playing games and picking through buckets to find cheap plastic toys?? The goal seemed to be to collect as much as possible. Well, James' preschool / church had a Fall Festival and if yo
u brought 4 non-perishable food items you got a bunch of free ride and game tickets. Free games! We're in. So, we packed up the fam and headed on over. There was a jump castle, mini horse, ball toss, ring toss and many many others. After the first game and the first toy, James was beginning to get the point. But, he held on to that little plastic camera in fear that Ryan would steal it. I managed to convince him to put it in the stroller because there would be much much more. He wasn't totally convinced till we played a few more games.
Anyways, little by little those toys began to break. Those fold out fans aren't above being crushed and those little army men with parachutes get all tangled up. But the boys did enjoy their first round of Cotton Candy, thanks to dad. More pics to be shown here and on Facebook. This particular game in the picture let you look through straw to get a toy. The boys were convinced that something scary would make its way out of there.
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