Friday, August 7, 2009

Girl Clothes

I have to admit, that girl clothes are a bit more fun. Although little boys wearing Spiderman clothes is a lot of fun also.

So, this is what I found at our consignment shop. I want to make sure you notice the satin ballerina feet. Not sure how many more uses we'll get out of it.


Hillary Gardner said...

Go ahead and put it in a box marked "Hillary, sometime in the future". Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It's sweet. And she looks extra-long in these photos. Somethingi n her forehead and eyes reminds me of my James, as a baby.

Tiff said...

Hillary, it's all yours! But there is a time limit on them :)

Jamey, yea, most of my kids remind me a bit of one of yours. She does seem longer than the boys were. I think she'll be a tall one.

youthguy72 said...

Wow - she reminds Jamey of one of her kids? What are the odds of that? Oh, yeah - at least one in seven...