Thursday, June 11, 2009

Grape Juice

This whole thing of grape jelly and sugar cereal, makes me laugh. It also gets me thinking. I'd like to hear what you all have to say about it. I thought of another thing that I misinterpreted. I don't remember having grape juice in our house growing up. So, I guess I figured it was a luxury drink. I don't think it costs much more than other juices. So anyways, anytime I buy Grape juice I think I'm getting a luxury. Other times I walk right by it and think, Oh, it's not in our budget this week. Is it really more money? They use it for communion so it must be extra special, right??


youthguy72 said...

I think it was more about staining clothes and the sugar content than cost...

We always could have all the milk we wanted, but hardly any soda. The Jacobs boys were the opposite: all the Coke they wanted (cheap) but had to ask for milk...

I guess we could ask Mom...

The Cooks said...

You have a blog! I didn't know! So great. I will be checking back!!