Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby Olivia - probably

So, the only name we are in agreement on is Olivia Marie. I never thought Olivia would be a name I'd consider, but it just sort of fits. Unless some other name strikes us, this will probably be her name. We opted this time to do a 3D ultrasound. Well, I opted for it. Alex could do without it. I figured, this is our last time to do it. The first time around, she didn't cooperate and wouldn't turn her head for a full facial. She kept her feet and hands up around her face, so it was a little difficult to see. So, they brought us in again to try again. They'll try up to 29 or 30 weeks, but after then the baby's head is harder to move. So, at 28.5 weeks, this was my last chance.

We were able to confirm due dates, gender and size. And also that she has legs. She's given us really good shots of those. I guess I can understand because the ladies in my family have nice legs and are camera shy. Or stubborn. Anyways, less than 3 months away and our lives will change, again. We are excited to see her and see what new dimension she brings to our lives.

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