As you've probably already read, I had a kidney infection which kept me out of commission for 6 days or so. After that my husband and children passed around a bad cold which Ryan is still working on. After 1 1/2 weeks of the kidney infection, I got strep throat. After that, a sinus infection. I will say that I'm glad the sicknesses got less painful and I didn't have to stay in bed for a long period with them. But I am turning 30 next month and I guess this is what happens when you get old. Your body stops functioning. Well, it's not that bad, but I'm not terribly excited about 30. But I guess it doesn't matter cause it will happen anyways.
30 is just ancient! I mean, what is there to do after 30...'course I had 8 more and better years of marriage, 5 more kids (if you count the one due soon), got back in shape (well, you know, FOR MY AGE), and learned to appreciate a lot more things in life -- like mushrooms, eggplant, tofu, and hot peppers. I think that you have a lot to look forward to, as well, and don't you dare spend your time regretting your "lost youth."
Check out www (dot) smittenkitchen (dot) com. If life gives you bananas, make caramel upside-down banana cake! Well, they at least have some fun recipes. And you can't be glum about your age if you are eating the foods pictured here...
So, I'm stupid. I commented once but then I didn't see it posted and I thought I made a mistake. But then I thought "well better not to have that one posted anyway" but I still wanted to comment... so I commented again and then it didn't post (but I knew I did it right this time) and now I see you are MODERATING. Is there a story behind this?
hey Tiff, I was worrying about the turning 30 thing then it came and biggie. Also, I planned the baby shower for that day so I didn't have to think too much about it! The first year or two of my marriage I had all kinds of weird health things. I joked with Matt that he had bought a lemon.
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