Friday, October 19, 2007

I don't do Diaries...

Yet here I am setting up my own blog and sitting here wondering what to write about. I just spent the past 2 hours or so putting together a pot roast and a cake, both new recipes. I got Ryan down to sleep and miraculously he's still sleeping. James helped me in the kitchen by eating the mini chocolate morsels and spilling water all over the place. So, after a new diaper and taking off his sopping wet clothes, he's putting his matchbox cars and animals in a basket. I assume he'll then pick up the basket and toss out the toys or chase our dog and cat around the house with it while screaming at the top of his lungs.

I'm currently trying to get rid of some nasty nasal congestion and I don't feel the affects of the antibiotics yet. Except, for being extra tired. Being tired is a part of mommy-ing, but feeling yucky makes the tiredness much worse. But babies need to fed, changed and entertained none the less. So, I wonder what parenting would be like if there wasn't sin in the world. That's my thought for the day or week. Would kids still be kids or would they always obey and listen and sleep and eat, etc??? Would parents just be more tolerant or would we know exactly what to do at all times? Would babies sleep through the night? Would parents get enough sleep?? But given that babies are born every day, parenting must not be too terrible, is it. I find that the little things, like a smile from Ryan at 4:30 am or James cuddling with me before naptime, makes the tiredness and frustration all worth it.


youthguy72 said...

My theory with parenting is you can go around pretending you don't have children (this is not hard with just one child). Or, you can admit you have entered a new "season" in life, figure out your priorities in this season (remember the husband/wife relationship takes priority) and look around at all the great things about being a parent. Sleep is overrated, anyway...

Anonymous said...

Pay no attention to the man behind that comment. I think you should bear in mind that Mom and Dad are Queen and King of the household and the kids are servants-in-training. That ought to keep things all lined up for you :)

Anonymous said...

What I meant to say was welcome and I'll be looking forward to seeing into your life more and more.

youthguy72 said...

Man, that second and third poster is bossy...