Thursday, June 16, 2011


I haven't been posting but I have been thinking.  I've been concentrating on cleaning up my house (, focusing more on respecting my husband (Love & respect) and reading through Grudem's Systematic Theology (1/2 off at the local christian bookstore). 

House Cleaning: No, it doesn't come natural. My theory, you either get the cleaning or cooking gene, I got cooking.  Can I get an AMEN!!  Okay, so this Flylady Kelly lady tells you certain things to do on certain days. This might come natural to some but not to me! I want a clean house, I just don't know how to do it.  So, I've been motivated to go minimal with our stuff and hoping to make some big improvement this summer.

Respect:  Turns out, I need to work on showing my respect for my husband. Need I say more? I'm looking forward to listening to Love & Respect. 

Systematic Theology: After going to a Holy Ghost sunday school I got inspired to get this book. AND it happened to be half off....I'll be posting more as I read more...

That's what's been going on.

Paper Mache

Ryan told me one day that he wanted to do paper mache.  He didn't announce it appropriately and I'm not sure how he knew how to do it, but he wanted a pinata.  So, he found wrapping paper, lined paper, water and a spatula.  I ended the project soon after this picture because I couldn't handle the wads of water drenched paper all over the kitchen. 

New and Happening

Here it is Jamey.  I have one picture to share.  She turned 2. That should say it all.  Meanwhile, she should be sleeping, but our cat, Gerdy got locked in her room and no nap was taken.  Olivia is upstairs yelling to Gerdy " Gerdy!" "Stop!". Yes, she's TWO!!! 

And she likes shoes and she likes certain outfits.  This skirt, for example, had to be left on at night under her unicorn pj's.  The boots did come off though. Have I mentioned how confused I am by her hair. It falls forward, is fine, and curly in the back.  Alex cut a few of her bangs....Can you tell?

But this was a cute picture I thought my sister would enjoy.