I can't believe it's already been 1 year since you entered this world. After 9 months of wondering what you'd look like, me or daddy; Would you have red hair or blonde; Would you be real quiet like James or real loud like Ryan; Would you let me sleep for 5 hours at a time or would you need to sleep in my arms for the first month or so.

After you were born, we could tell your personality would be a bit like both of your brothers. Your labor was longer than James' but shorter than Ryan's. You weighed 7lb 11 oz, 21" long and had red hair like Ryan and big blue eyes! I will always remember the first time I saw each of my little ones. Somehow you knew I was your mom because you looked straight at me when I spoke to you. Unlike the boys, you have always wanted to be touching me. You're so content to be held by me or sit in my lap or climb over my legs. I'm sorry to say, that it looks like you inherited a gap in your front teeth, just like me. Hopefully you won't be as self conscious as I was and just remember that it will be fixed when you're old enough to get braces.
The first time I saw you, you reminded me of your daddy. But people now say you look like me, except for the red hair.
You are content to watch and play with your brothers. Nobody can get you laughing like those two. You look up to James and enjoy playing with Ryan. They both think you're great and still call you 'Baby'. You're pretty quiet, except when you want some food or somebody takes your toy away.
You are so smitten with your daddy and Pop Pop that it makes me want to cry every time you reach for them. Happy tears!
We look forward to the woman you're going to be and we pray that we will not mess you up too bad. Happy first Birthday and I love you!