Alex and I don't have much that we're in competition about. That is, we don't have a lot of hobbies in common. Alex likes to watch sports, play with wood, drive back-hoes and even sketch. Me, well, I like to read and cook and that's about all I do right now. I like to know that there's a book waiting for me at night or even, infrequently, during the day.
This leads me to the Saga. I've read the first 3 books of the Twilight Saga. Yes, the vampire books. They are actually pretty entertaining and mindless, something that I need after a day of parenting. But I'm not going to defend myself to all of those out there thinking how trashy they are.
Anyways, Alex and I rented the first Twilight Movie, saw the next in the theater (not opening night) and I read the third one. After the 2nd movie, Alex wasn't happy with the un-resolution. Knowing there's 2 more to go, I offered to let him read the next book. So, he did and within 4 days had finished it. This is where it gets interesting. In 5 years of marriage, I have NEVER seen Alex carry a book around with him, nor read before bed , nor finish a book!! That's not to say that he can't read, but that it is definately not something I've witnessed before. After he finished book 3, he was eyeing book 4. I recently came into some Barnes and Noble money and yes, I couldn't help but buy the book. It's 700 pages, so it's worth it, right?!
Well, I started to read it, 10 or so pages a night before I went to bed. Well, one night I saw Alex eyeing the book up, so I offered to let him read a 'little' bit. Uh-huh. Let me just say that Alex doesn't normally like it when I leave him alone with the boys, but lately, it's been NO PROBLEM!! Because he can read AND watch the kids :0
He's passed me in the book and probably will finish it before me. But he better keep everything a secret or else!