Not much. This past weekend, it became official. No more kids for the Holdgate's. That's all I'm gonna say about that.
James: Just started preschool 3 days a week at Fort Johnson Baptist Church. It's about 10 minutes from our house. He seems to like it, although he cries when I drop him off. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. His speech is improving and we are able to understand him more. He is into cars, books and drawing and movies.
Ryan: He likes lions and watching Potter - Harry Potter. He is a fiery tempered little man, but he is so sweet and sensitive also. In this picture, he is naked, something that I find all the time, looking for "Gams" (crabs). I hid the bare bottom for fear of the blogger police banning my site.
Olivia: She is quiet and laid back. She likes to be held and looked at. She's into the newly introduced rice cereal, something neither of the boys would eat. She will not take a binky, but has her hands and any other blanket she can find, in her mouth. I guess each child makes us learn how to be different parents.
Our household has been binky free for a few months now, and it's been a relief. No one asks for it anymore. I find old ones around the house that make me nostalgic for those baby days, but I know it's for the better having them gone.
Anyways, the Holdgate's are doing well.